
Top 5 trending front end technologies should be used in 2020 and beyond

Front-end has to be updating to keep up with the developing technologies. You will see why it is important and most trending front-end technologies like Vue.js, React, Angular, Bootstrap help you build an astonishing website.

Updated On

Mar 13, 2022

Published On

August 12, 2021

Time To Read

6 Mins

When it comes to front-end technologies, these are basically the types of technologies that developers leverage to craft user interface for websites, mobile apps, and web apps. As the name suggests, front-end technologies help developers create everything of software that appears in front of users.

This is the reason why front-end technologies define the beauty and appearance of your website and applications, and thus, defines its market success. Be it drawing the attention of users to access your software or encouraging them to buy your offerings, these technologies play a vital role in this arena.

Web Designing Team

So, while developing for your website or app for your business, you need to focus on the latest front-end technologies. And hire a website designer in Bangalore who is versed in the front-end technologies and leverage these by harnessing their unmatched potential. Like other technologies, the trend of using front-end technologies also changes yearly. Before we discuss here certain top-notch technologies that are trending in the year 2020, we are going to discuss here its various advantages.

Advantages of Leveraging Front-End Technologies for Web and App Development

Let’s discuss here some reasons why it is necessary for you to leverage these technologies for web and application development.

  1. It automates the task.
  2. It gives developers the liberty to use elements and templates.
  3. It facilitates debugging and code optimization.
  4. Developers can improve their efficiency and productivity.
  5. It eases out the complications involved in the development process.

Front-end Technologies that are in Trend in 2020

Front-end Technologies that are in Trend in 2020.


While talking about some trending front-end technologies in the year 2020, it’s good to start from none other than Vue.js, a popular JavaScript library. No matter what type of user interface you wish to have for your website or app, your developers can easily create the same with the use of this technology.

The other great advantage of Vue.js is that its core library generally focuses on the view layer exclusively. So, your web designing company can easily make it possible to integrate the same with various other tools, libraries, etc. to get the desired outcomes. If you are looking for the right option to create a SPA (Single Page Application), Vue.js can be apt for you. You can make it possible by merging with some other libraries and tools.

The growing popularity of Vue.js made it the stiff competitor of other technologies such as React and Angular.


  1. It comes with rendering support.
  2. One can keep eyes on the development process in real-time.
  3. It comes with a lower entrance threshold. So, you cangrasp the Vue.js quickly compared to Angular.
  4. It can be easily integrated with HTML templates.


React is another front-end technology that is in trend in the year 2020. As an open-source technology, React, a front-end library, was introduced in the year 2013. The most important thing about React is that it gets support from social media giant Facebook.

The technology possesses the ability to break the code into two different components, which enable developers to get the advantage of code reusability and also debugging quickly. The software developed using React is responsive and good for search engine optimization.

  1. It brings the possibility for writing components.
  2. Improves productivity and maintenance.
  3. Fast rendering.
  4. Stable code.
  5. SEO-friendly.


Angular is another technology that managed to retain its position in the list of some of the front-end technologies that are in trend in the year 2020. As the most reliable JavaScript front-end technology, Angular was launched in the year 2009 and witnessed its vast adoption among a number of developers for letting them create a wide range of UI designs.

Since the inception of Angular, it has become the most preferred choice among developers for letting them avail of wide flexibility while creating a user interface of mobile and web applications.

Enjoying vast community support, the front-end technology is maintained by none other than Google and ensures its effectiveness. Angular is famous among developers mainly for being easily readable, constant, and helps developers in creating performance-driven business apps.

Another greatest benefit of Angular is that it is based on MVVM architecture, which makes it highly convenient for reflector and also for maintaining code in a proper way. Apart from this, it also gives complete assurance in terms of ease of test, top-quality coding, etc. for having component-based architecture.

  1. Vast community support.
  2. It facilitates two-ways data binding.
  3. It brings the possibility of web development with a mobile-friendly approach.
  4. It gets support by Google.
  5. Material design support.


Last but not least, Bootstrap is another front-end technology that developers prefer to leverage to a wider extent. When it comes to code mobile-first and responsive websites, Bootstrap emerges as the right option for them. It is basically a combination of HTML, CSS, and JS frameworks.

It lets developers use a predefined grid without any hustle. It also reduces their coding effort by minimizing it. Developers leveraging Bootstrap get entitled to availing of various benefits. Take a look at some of them.

  1. It minimizes developer’s coding effort for the grid.
  2. It is available with the in-built code that tends to resize images automatically no matter what is the current size of the screen.
  3. Another great advantage of Bootstrap is that it consists of a set of components such as progress bars, navigation bars, thumbnails, dropdown, and many more. You will certainly not face any kind of difficulty when it comes to incorporating such important elements in your website pages.
  4. Bootstrap comes with a large number of jQuery plugins that enable developers to create a highly interactive and also quite easy solution for image carousels, transition, etc.


After going through the above discussion, you are expected to have a clear understanding of various trending front-end technologies and their importance. So, while hiring a website design company make sure they are blessed with enough expertise to implement these technologies while developing your software.